You deserve to feel good.

Shift from “never enough time for you” to knowing exactly how to feel filled up and whole.

Does this sound familiar?

On some level, you know things need to change. You pour so much into your family and there never seems to be enough left over to truly take care of yourself and prioritize what lights you up.

Your self-care happens in fits and starts. Sometimes you’ll pick up a practice you love but it’s always the first thing to get left behind when life is busy (which it almost always is). You know that life would feel very different if you were able to show up to these practices consistently but there never seems to be enough time.

You’re yearning for something to shift and you’d like a guide in finally being able to prioritize you.

What if all of this self-care stuff could feel totally doable and like a joyful part of daily life, rather than another part of your to-do list?

That’s what I’m here to teach you.

More than any parenting book or advice, I truly believe that the most powerful thing we can do to show up for our children is to take better care of ourselves. All of the cliches about putting on your own oxygen mask first are true: when we are well rested, nourished, and fulfilled we will be more patient, compassionate, and present with our children.

How can we stay grounded and centered enough to respond to the triggering elements of parenting in the peaceful, loving way we desire if we aren’t feeling well-resourced and filled up ourselves?

Yet, as a time poor parent, showing up in that way can feel like an impossible task.

As a new mama drawn to attachment parenting, I ran headfirst into burn out. My needs had changed so drastically and my control over my time seemed nonexistent. I had to re-learn how to take care of myself and stay connected to my inner world, while also taking care of my child.

Prior to getting pregnant I ran courses on building habits to achieve big goals and on learning to love yourself, so I’ve done a lot of research in these areas. When it became clear that the way I’d been operating as a parent was unsustainable, I began to figure out how to make everything I’d learned in my past life work for me as a mama. Gone are the days of two-hour morning routines, weekend retreats, and regular yoga classes. But through simple tweaks, I’ve found ways to consistently nourish myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And these small shifts have led to profound transformation.

What we need and how we take care of ourselves will change throughout the seasons of our lives but I truly believe that each of us has the capacity to make self-care work for us. The Totally Doable Self-Care for Busy Parents Process will teach you how to hone in on the small practices that will have the biggest impact on your life and give you the skills to show up to them reliably.

“Working with Sarah is like applying a healing balm over your soul.”

— Amanda Clayson

This course is for you if:

✔ There never seems to be enough time to take care of yourself or follow your passions and you’re fed up of feeling frazzled and depleted

✔ You wish self-care could feel like a joyful, doable part of your daily life, rather than a guilt-inducing item on your to-do list that you never get done

✔ Parts of you have felt lost since becoming a parent and you yearn to reconnect and integrate them into this new identity

✔ You know you’d be a more calm, peaceful parent if your needs were being met and you felt better rested and more fulfilled

✔ You believe it’s important to model rest, joy, self-care, and prioritizing your own needs to your children

✔ You feel disconnected from yourself and unsure of what your own needs even are

What to expect:

✨ An increased understanding of your own needs and ability to craft effective, joyful self-care practices with whatever time you have available

✨ More self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-trust as you learn to reliably show up yourself

✨ A simple process that you can come back to again and again, and adapt to every season of life and stage of parenting

✨ Learn to find nourishment and replenishment while spending time with your children, rather than parenting always feeling draining

✨ The joy of making time for the things you love and reconnecting with the parts of yourself you may not have thought there was space for amidst your busy life as a parent

✨ The beautiful ripples that your fulfillment, joy, pleasure, and self-connection bring to your family life

“I found the session held beautifully by Sarah, very helpful as a way to reset my system in a sense, to connect with my inner core and to feel more centred. I remembered more about what matters day to day as a mother as an alternative to getting lost in the overwhelm at times. Having the time out for the session away from my daughter with other mothers especially during lockdown, really helped me to focus on what I really needed.”

— Tania Davies

The course covers:

  • Understanding what self-care truly is, and also what it isn't

  • My 4-step process for determining the most effective self-care for this season of your life and making it a reliable rhythm in your day-to-day

  • My magical bag of self-care tips and tricks including strategies for helping habits stick, powerful mindset shifts, and some of my favourite self-care practices

What’s included:

✔ A video and text lesson for each step in the 4-step process (depending on your preferred learning style), as well as simple tasks to implement what you’ve learned

✔ A workbook to guide you through implementing each step of the process

✔ 10+ short videos that walk you through my favourite tips for building new habits, mindset shifts for making this a joyful, fun process, and my favourite totally doable and super effective self-care practices

✔ Your registration includes lifetime access to the course and will last for as long as the course is available (minimum of 12 months, but likely much longer)

What People Are Saying

“I would recommend any course Sarah offers to be honest. She is clear and concise, and approaches everything she does with a heartfelt grace that is lovely to be around.”

— Gen Baker

“The workshop was fantastic, I’ve got so many pointers from it. Now I just need to put them into practice. I really got a lot from it and I’d definitely do another of your workshops! And recommend to friends also.”

— Ngozi Atulomah


  • No. This training will be helpful for any parent better looking to be more intentional with self-care and find ways to nourish themselves even while life feels impossibly full.

  • You can work through the core process in about two hours, whether that’s in one session or broken down in smaller chunks. Once you’ve been through it once, you’ll know the process for life and be able to come back to it again and again quickly and easily as you’ll have laid all of the groundwork your first time through. The “tips and tricks” section is designed to dip in and out of as you need. Most of these videos are between 5 and 10 minutes long.

  • Registration is non-refundable so please be certain of your decision before booking your place.